Andromeda Engineering are excited to be supporting Atkins on the production of the overhead line GRIP 4 outline design on the Wigan to Bolton (W2B) infill electrification scheme.
Having successfully completed the schematics in Sussex, Andromeda are delighted to now start work on the Kent schematics supporting Amaro on this project.
Due to our continued growth, Andromeda Engineering are looking to expand our Engineering Design Team.
Andromeda are excited to be exhibiting at AusRAIL PLUS from the 28 February – 2 March at the International Convention Centre. Sydney.
Andromeda welcome Phil Mear to the team. Phil will be developing a new signalling team for Andromeda and working to further enhance the current LV capabilities
Andromeda welcome BIM/CAD Manager Graham Jones to the team
Andromeda Engineering Ltd
14 Hurricane Court, Liverpool, L24 8RL